Archive for the ‘Salads’ Category

Assiette de Crudités


This is a dish of separately prepared, raw, simple salads. Many different components are possible. Those given here are amongst the most common. There are usually a minimum of five separate preparations.

(for 4 people)

Carottes à la Citronelle (Carrots in Lemon Vinaigraitte)  
2 carrots, washed and peeled
15 ml lemon juice
salt, pepper
30 ml vegetable oil
finely chopped fresh parsley

With the help of a mandolin, cut the carrots int a fine julienne.  Combine the lemon juice with the salt and pepper to taste in a bowl. Whisking constantly, add the oil in a slow steady stream. When well emulsified, pour the vinaigrette over the carrots and toss to combine. When ready to serve, sprinkle the salad with the parsley.

Céléri Rémoulade (Celery Root in Mustard Mayonnaise Sauce)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, or to taste
200 g celery root
1⁄2 lemon

Whisk the mustard into the mayonnaise. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Using a small knife, peel the celery root and rub the peeled part with the cut side of a lemon to keep it from oxydizing. Cut it into a fine julienne. In a bowl, add enough sauce to generously coat the celery root. Taste and check the seasoning. Cover and refrigerate.

Concombres a la Crème / Cucumbers in Cream
2 large cucumbers, peeled
coarse salt
50 ml heavy cream
juice of 1 lime
1 tablespoon mint leaves
salt, pepper

Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise. Using a spoon, scrape out and discard the seeds. Thinly slice (émincer) the cucumbers into 3-ml pieces and place them in a colander set over a bowl. Sprinkle with coarse salt and set aside for 30 minutes for the water to drain from the cucumbers. Rinse the cucumbers under cold running water to eliminate the saltiness. Pat dry. To make the sauce: Place the cream and lime juice in a bowl set over an ice-water bath and using a whisk, beat until soft peaks form. Finely chop the mint and fold it into the cream. Adjust the seasoning. Place the cucumbers on a serving plate and lightly nap with the sauce.

Choux Rouge à la Vinaigrette / Red Cabbage in Vinaigrette
200 g red cabbage, sliced very finely (chiffonade)
4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
salt, pepper
40 ml vegetable oil

Place the cabbage in a bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of the vinegar and salt. Add cold water and cover by 2cm. Set aside to soak for 30 minutes. Drain in a colander and pat dry. To make the vinaigrette, combine the remaining vinegar with salt and pepper to taste in a small bowl. Add the oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking constantly, until the mixture has emulsified. Place the cabbage in a clean bowl and add just enough vinaigrette to lightly cover. Toss to coat. Taste and, if necessary, add more salt and pepper.

Tomates à la Vinaigrette / Tomatoes in Vinaigrette
200 g tomatoes, émonder
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
salt, pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon chopped chives

Cut the tomatoes into wedges and carefully remove the seeds. Place them in a mixing bowl. To make the vinaigrette, combine the red wine vinegar with salt and pepper to taste in a small bowl. Add the oil in a slow steady stream, whisking constantly until the mixture has emulsified. Add just enough vinaigrette to the tomatoes to lightly cover. Toss to coat and sprinkle with chives.

Champignons à l’Éstragon / Mushrooms in Tarragon Vinaigrette
200 g button mushrooms, wiped clean
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
salt, pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
a little chopped tarragon

To make the vinaigrette, combine the vinegar with salt and pepper to taste in a small bowl. Add the oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking constantly until the mixture has emulsified. Slice the mushrooms very thinly. Place in a mixing bowl. Add the vinaigrette and toss to coat. Set aside to marinate for an hour at room temperature. Just before serving, stir in the tarragon and toss to incorporate.

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Salade Niçoise

There is no precise recipe for Salade Niçoise. It usually contains tomatoes, green peppers, hard-boiled eggs, small black olives, anchovy fillets and tuna. There should be garlic in the dressing. Many versions contain cooked French beans and potatoes, yet these additions are considered inauthentic by some. The ingredients can be arranged separately for presentation and tossed at the table.

(for 4 people)

For the vinaigrette
100 ml olive oil
3 tablespoons wine vinegar
1 clove garlic
salt and pepper 
For the salad
2 peppers, one green (long, thin variety), one red, thinly sliced in rounds
250 g broad beans, inner skin removed
2 cucumbers, peeled, cut in half lengthways, seeds removed 
3 artichokes
6 tomatoes, skins removed
1 white onion or 2 spring onions, finely sliced 
½ head lettuce, pulled into leaves, washed and dried
200 g French beans cut into 5 cm pieces and cooked, crisp-tender (optional)
3 hard-boiled eggs
8 anchovy fillets
20 small black olives
parsley, chopped

Cut and trim the artichokes down to the heart, slice thinly. Cut the tomatoes into 4 wedges each and cut out the inner part, leaving flat segments. Place them in a small bowl and salt lightly. Allow the tomatoes to drain for an hour and then rinse and allow them to sit for 10 minutes to dry. Using separate bowls, follow the same procedure with the onions, cucumbers and peppers . Make the vinaigrette by combining the ingredients in a bowl and whisking vigorously. Drain the tuna of excess oil. Place the lettuce in a large bowl and add just enough vinaigrette to lightly coat, and toss to combine. Line a salad bowl with the lettuce. One at a time, lightly coat all the vegetables with vinaigrette. Slice the eggs into quarters. Arrange all the ingredients on the lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with a little parsley.

If the anchovies contain excess salt, soak them for a few minutes in cold water and then drain well on paper towels.

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For 2 people

3 hard-boiled eggs, boiled for 9 minutes, refreshed in ice-water and refrigerated
For the Mayonnaise  (for both the eggs and the macédoine de légumes)
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon vinegar
a pinch of salt and pepper
250 ml sunflower oil
lemon juice
For the Macédoine de légumes
75 g carrot, macédoine (150 g whole, peeled carrot)
50 g turnip, macédoine (100 g whole, peeled turnip)
50 g peas
50 g string beans, small dice
salt for cooking vegetables

To make the Mayonnaise, in a bowl or plate, combine the yolks, vinegar, salt and pepper, and mustard. Add the oil and whisk, slowly at first until an emulsion is achieved. Add a few drops of lemon and adjust the seasoning. Chill in the fridge.

Cut the carrots and turnips into macédoine. Break the ends off the beans and cut into .5 cm-lengths. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook each vegetable separately, in a strainer. Refresh each vegetable in ice-water, drain and dry. When dry, mix the vegetables together.

Add some mayonnaise to the macédoine in small amounts until the vegetables are bound together. Adjust the seasoning.

Cut the eggs in half.  Spoon the mayonnaise over them, thinning with water or cream if it doesn’t coat them evenly. Place the macédoine in a nicely shaped, small leaf of lettuce. Sprinkle the eggs with a pinch of cayenne pepper and serve.

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