Archive for the ‘Organ meats’ Category



For two people

6 lamb kidneys, suet and skin removed
oil and butter
2 shallots, finely chopped
200 ml white wine
150 ml Demi-glace
vinegar or lemon juice
chopped parsley
30 g butter

Cut the kidneys in half lengthways, season and sauté over very high heat in a little butter and oil, making sure they brown on both sides yet remain a little pink within. Reserve the kidneys and drain the pan of fat. Place the shallots in the pan with a little fresh butter and cook lightly. Deglaze with the wine, scraping the bottom and reduce by half. Add the necessary amount of Demi-glace, a few drops of vinegar and reduce until sauce consistency. Add the kidneys to this sauce, shake to reheat and adjust the seasoning. Sprinkle with a pinch of chopped parsley and, away from the heat, swirl in a little butter.

Serve with potatoes or rice


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(for 4 people)

4 chicken livers
200 g butter
1 or 2 shallots, or half a small onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped
a few sprigs of thyme and oregano
a bay leaf
4 tablespoons Cognac
a pinch of 4 épices

Cook the shallots and garlic in a quarter of the butter. Add the livers and the herbs. Season well and cook steadily until they are coloured on the outside but still a little pink inside. Let the mixture colour a little.

Flamber with the Cognac and add the spices.Remove the herbs and blend until smooth, adding the rest of the butter in small pieces as you go. A drop of water may help.

Pour the mixture into ramekins, flatten the top and pour a little melted butter over the top. Leave to cool and set in the fridge.

Serve with toast or baguette.

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à la lyonnaise describes various preparations from the Lyon area, usually sautéed, characterized by the use of chopped onions which are glazed in butter until golden and finished off with the pan juices deglazed with vinegar and sprinkled with chopped parsley.

For 2 people

2 slices  calf’s liver
salt and pepper
4 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoons  vegetable oil
1 onion, sliced  finely
2 tablespoon  vinegar 
100 ml thick brown stock
chopped parsley
1 tablespoon butter for finishing the sauce

Heat a tablespoon of butter cook the onions slowly for about 20 minutes until very soft.

Season the liver, coat with flour and shake off any excess. Place in a very hot pan and cook in a little butter and oil until nicely brown. Flip the pieces over and finish cooking, making sure the liver remains a little pink. Place the slices on a platter to keep warm. Then tip the cooked onions into the pan and cook until soft and starting to colour. Deglaze the pan with vinegar and cook for a minute or so – The vinegar should give the sauce a pleasant tang but not overpower. Pour in the stock and reduce to a sauce consistency. Check the seasoning and  swirl in a little butter if desired. Pour the sauce over the liver, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

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For 2 people

1 veal kidney 
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
1 shallot, finely chopped
4 tablespoons Armagnac or Cognac
1 splash of vinegar (to taste)
half a  glass of thick veal stock
40 ml cream
1 tablespoon mustard (optional)
 salt and pepper
chopped parsley

In a sauté pan, heat the oil over maximum heat till smoking. Cut the kidney in half lengthways and then into half-inch cubes. Season with salt and pepper. Sauté the kidneys, searing them nicely on both sides but making sure they remain pink on the inside. This should only take a minute or two. Remove them and keep warm. Add a little butter to the pan and cook a finely choppped shallot, making sure it softens but doesn’t burn.Flambé and deglaze the pan with a good slug of Armagnac or Cognac, add a splash of vinegar and then the veal stock and cream. Reduce the sauce. When it is the right consistency, stir in a tablespoon or so of mustard. Return the kidneys to the pan to reheat and finish cooking. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Lambs kidneys are delicious cooked in the same manner.

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